As a White Man in Africa, I’m Embarrassed by the Fundamentally Racist Vegan Movement
As a white man in Africa, I’m embarrassed by the fundamentally racist, elitest, and all-around lunatic rantings of the vegan movement leaders and their backers in the emerging high-tech, high-finance, chemical-dependant, and utterly soil-carbon-depleting, fake-food industry — e.g. Bill Gates, Pat Brown, George Monbiot, Leonardo DiCaprio, etc.
Their colossal misdirection to expressly end all animal agriculture is not only a ploy to turn food and food production into vertically-integrated intellectual property (IP) in the model of software, it also expands reliance on life-destroying monocrops, hastens the end of food sovereignty, and implies the inevitable extinction of pastoral people, including our friends, the Maasai. Stand with me as we stand against this horror. Stand with soil. Stand with animal agriculture. Stand with a future to believe in.
Thank you. — seth