Not Cool

Seth J. Itzkan
1 min readApr 13, 2022


Anti-Meat Advocates Use War In The Ukraine To Advance Political Message

A few groups are using the war in the Ukraine to advocate against animal agriculture. At a time like this, that’s profoundly insensitive. If anything, we should be standing unequivocally with the people of the Ukraine, not criticizing their food systems. God willing, in the future, if Ukrainians can reclaim their land and destiny and live in peace, the promising practice of regenerative grazing can be advanced. This would provide food security while improving soil and sequestering carbon. They would enter a new era, not only as champions of freedom, but of climate mitigation as well. If past examples of regenerative grazing are indicative of what’s possible, animal densities will increase. This is because when perennial grasslands are improved, more animals are not only supported, they’re required.

We should be standing unequivocably with the people of the Ukraine, not criticizing their food systems.

Unfortunately for the people in the Ukraine, the anti-meat advocates are exploiting an already horrifying situation for shallow political advantage. It’s not cool and it shouldn’t be tolerated. We can do better. The world is ready for solutions that incorporate the best of science and humanity. Let’s go there.

